Thank you to everyone who responded to the earlier call for expressions of interest. Every force in England and Wales will now receive a centrally sourced package, which will save hundreds of thousands of pounds compared with the cost of producing their own GTD packages.
Simon Cullen, FCN Lead Scientist said:
“The response has been fantastic and it’s obvious that we were pushing at an open door. By putting this together centrally we expect to save forces many hours of staff time and hundreds of thousands of pounds, so it’s a real win for everyone. We can’t wait to get on with actually delivering the kit to forces.”
Paul Powles Quality Manager from Gwent Police said:
“Initiatives like this are absolutely essential to ensure we get a consistent approach to meet our digital validation objectives”
The GTD package will contain the physical items, files and supporting documentation to allow Digital Forensic Units to validate methods for physical capture and preservation, processing, and analysing data from Microsoft Windows 10 and 11, as well as several combinations of media types and files systems.