National SFR Guidance


Understanding SFR Videos

Supporting videos for different SFR users.

MG22 & Annex Templates

SFR Technical Notes and Guidance

SFR Version Change Log

Cell Site Analysis for Geolocation SFR Hub

SFR Discipline Examples

Limited Examples will be made available on this page for newly approved disciplines and those disciplines where the reporting content is factual and highly standardised or regulated

DNA Database MG22 Examples

EDIT MG22 Examples

Cell Site Analysis for Geolocation

FCN manages and oversees the SFR process on behalf of policing and the criminal justice system. The national guidance document and suite of forms were created through a period of extensive consultation with stakeholders including police forces, CPS, forensic service providers (FSPs), the defence and have received the support of the Senior Presiding Judge The RT Hon. Sir Andrew Edis: 

'Streamlined Forensic Reporting (SFR) has received the support of the Senior Presiding Judge since its introduction in 2012. I am very pleased to continue that support for this important process.
The latest version of the Streamlined Forensic Reporting Guidance aims to keep abreast of relevant changes, address risk and ensure compliance and consistency of approach nationally across both Policing and Forensic Service Providers to ultimately deliver assurance across the whole of the Criminal Justice System.
I am sure this will assist all those involved in court proceedings to use the SFR process effectively.'

The templates give practitioners tools for a consistent approach to reporting forensic outcomes, allowing investigations and prosecutions to be progressed fairly and effectively using high-quality, relevant forensic science. 

Ultimately, the aim is to deliver proportionate forensic evidence that meets the needs of all parties, at every stage in the criminal justice process.