Since last year we’ve been working to develop UK policing’s first digital forensic (DF) apprenticeship.
To help people understand how the apprenticeship works and how it can benefit them, we’ve developed a webpage and factsheet. The initial focus is on helping potential employers to plan ahead – later updates will cover the needs of potential apprentices.
FCN Workforce Strategy Leads Paula Mulroy and Jo Morrissey have been leading the work. Paula said:
“We all know the challenge posed by digital forensics, with ever-increasing caseloads and technology that never stands still. By making it easier to bring new staff on-board and training them in the latest techniques as they progress, the apprenticeship will be a valuable way for employers to build a ‘skills pipeline’ that mitigates the risk of staff shortages in this vital field.”
An FCN-led ‘trailblazer’ group, representing police forces, private-sector companies, universities and several professional bodies has developed the standard, which is due to be published by the Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education in March 2023.
The apprenticeship is pitched at Level Four, which is between A Level and a full degree and is based on the professional profile of a digital forensic technician as set out by the College of Policing.
You can see the factsheet and webpage here:
Digital Forensic Apprenticeship (Level 4) | FCN
More information about the apprenticeship:
UK policing’s first digital forensic apprenticeship created | FCN