RISEN: Testing a contactless approach to crime scenes
28th January 2025
Chief Scientific Advisor Paul Taylor will be holding a dial-in for interested bidders on MS Teams on 31 January at 12:00-12:30 to hear about the benefits of applying for STAR funding and to answer any questions you may have. Do contact the team at PoliceSTARFundEnquiries@npcc.police.uk if you would be interested in attending the above session or if you have any further questions.
The next round of Science, Technology, Analysis and Research (STAR) funding has just been announced by the NPCC Chief Scientific Advisor, Paul Taylor. Applications will open on January 23rd when the supporting documentation is posted on ChiefsNet. Initial expressions of interest should be submitted by 5pm Feb 3rd.
The STAR call seeks to fund force and regional innovation across science, technology, analysis, and research. This year up to £3m will be available to fund a variety of projects.
STAR funding has been essential to a range of forensic research projects, from the use of AI to enhance crime scene evidence through to wearable tech to assist staff wellbeing. By operating at a national level, FCN is well placed to coordinate applications and secure investment that might not have been available otherwise. You can read about the projects it’s supported here: FCN hits £1m milestone for securing extra forensic research funding | FCN
For the 2023 - 24 round of funding we are keen to hear from anyone working in forensic science. You might work for a police force, a private service provider or be an academic researcher. What matters is that you have an idea for a project related to the research areas we coordinate:
You can see more detail on these groups and their areas of interest here: Research and Development | FCN
We are particularly keen to develop projects that focus on digital forensics. We know the pace of change and volume of potential evidence in this field is a serious challenge for police investigations. Perhaps you have an idea for a project that could make a real difference? We can support you, help you find partners and optimise the chances of success.
Early force IT engagement is essential and we will require their agreement for any projects requiring access to force IT systems as part of the funding bid.
To find out more, please get in touch with Dr Carolyn Lovell, FCN Research and Development Lead