Reflecting on the 2024 FEL Conference
19th December 2024
Are you the kind of person who always asks, “why do we do things this way?” Perhaps you have ideas about how working practices could be smarter or more efficient but don’t know how to put them into practice? We’re looking for Research Champions to help drive improvement and we need people like you!
If you like to consider new ways, new practices, or frequently ask ‘why do we do it this way, surely there is an alternative’ you are just the kind of person we’re looking for to support the research agenda. You’ll be joining a like-minded group of forward- thinking professionals and we’ll support you in getting things moving in your workplace.
The Forensic Science Network (FCN) is a new network for forensic science in England and Wales, supporting more than 4,000 specialists with critical technology, advice and training. Created by the Home Office, under the Transforming Forensics programme, the aim is to drive continued improvement in police forensics.
As a Research Champion you’ll be connected to the FCN R&D Manager, Carolyn Lovell.
What we need from you
What you need to do
What are we trying to achieve?
How to become a Champion
To volunteer as a Champion or for an informal chat about the role, please contact us and we will put you in touch directly with Carolyn.