FCN take our information handling responsibilities seriously.
That doesn’t mean we can't share information with colleagues across the criminal justice sector, but you might need to ‘dig a bit deeper’ sometimes to find the specific material you are looking for. This page provides a high level map of where FCN information is stored, and an overview of the information classifications we use which prescribes the level of protective measures required.
FCN mark documents based on the Government Security Classification (GSC) System as described below:
- Publicly Available. Information that can be shared with the general public, does not usually carry a classification and is marked as Open under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
- Official. The majority of the information which FCN and policing create, or process is classified as OFFICIAL. This includes routine communications and documents such as emails, operating procedures and presentations. Official documents don’t always need to be marked as such. You should only use force approved communication devices to discuss OFFICIAL information, dispose of documents using appropriate shredders or disposal bags, only use secure emails or approved collaboration tooling to send OFFICIAL information and store OFFICIAL documents under lock and key. You should never put the classification on the outer envelope if posting information.
- Official Sensitive. Some OFFICIAL information is considered sensitive and could have damaging consequences if lost, stolen or published in the media. Therefore, it requires a higher level of safeguarding against unwarranted disclosure. All information that requires this extra level of protection should have handling caveats defined and clearly marked on the document, so the reader knows how to protect it.
- Official. The majority of the information which FCN and policing create, or process is classified as OFFICIAL. This includes routine communications and documents such as emails, operating procedures and presentations. Official documents don’t always need to be marked as such. You should only use force approved communication devices to discuss OFFICIAL information, dispose of documents using appropriate shredders or disposal bags, only use secure emails or approved collaboration tooling to send OFFICIAL information and store OFFICIAL documents under lock and key. You should never put the classification on the outer envelope if posting information.
FCN Website - our publicly available information
Streamlined Forensic Reporting (SFR)
SFR National Guidance
SFR Examples
SFR Change Log
MG22 Templates
Published Documents
FSR Codes of Practice
NPCC Retention, Storage and Destruction of Materials
FCN Articles
FCN's Digital Forensics Projects
FCN Corporate Summaries
eQMS Summary
Box Sets
Recordings of Forensic Conferences and Workshops
Knowledge Hub
The Knowledge Hub is an external site run on behalf of policing by PDS (Police Digital Service). It was created for UK policing and its public and select private sector partners, to share information, discuss ideas and opportunities and encourage greater collaboration whilst retaining a level of control and security protections. There are two sites https://knowledgehub.group/web/guest known as the blue site and https://khub.net/group/guest known as the green site. Along with other police-related organisations we use Knowledge Hub to securely share documents and discussions.
Knowledge Hub Blue (Policing)
Secured for use within policing and approved government departments (e.g. Home Office, NCA) so members can be assured information isn’t shared outside of the direct policing family.
Support: support.knowledgehub@pds.police.uk
- FCN | 3D Expert Research Group
- FCN | Fingerprint Community
- FCN | Forensic Capability Network
- FCN | Physical Science Research Working Group
- FCN | SARC Network Group (Police)
- FCN | Workforce Strategy - Education & Training Workstream
- FCN | Workforce Strategy - Recruitment & Retention Workstream
- FCN | Workforce Strategy - Wellbeing Workstream
Official Sensitive
- FCN | Digital Forensics - Digital Services Upgrade Framework
- FCN | DNA Good Practice
- FCN | Fingerprint Ground Truth Database (GTD) Working Group
- FCN | NSOCC Quality & Standards Board
- FCN | Validation Library
- FCN | Xchange Training Materials
Knowledge Hub Blue also hosts groups related to the Transforming Forensics programme - FCN is not responsible for these groups and the TF programme has been wound-up.
Knowledge Hub Green (Public Services)
Provides a platform for public service collaboration (e.g. NHS, Academia, commercial etc). Approval may be required from site facilitators for certain areas and a policing sponsor could be requested.
Support: https://khub.net/group/guest/contact us
- FCN | Workforce Strategy - Education and Training Workstream
- FCN | Workforce Strategy - Recruitment & Retention Workstream
- FCN | Workforce Strategy - Wellbeing Workstream
- FCN | DNA Best Practice
- FCN | Forensic Capability Network
- FCN | Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) Accreditation Support
- FCN | Impact of Forensic Science Project
- FCN | Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) Accreditation Assistance Working Group