University of Central Lancashire

This exciting two-day course will introduce delegates to concepts surrounding death and decomposition. It is aimed at professionals such as CSIs, nurses, mortuary technicians, paramedics, veterinary nurses, or anyone else who wants to familiarise themselves with visual changes that occur after death, and learn how post-mortem interval is estimated by pathologists and anthropologists. 

It will cover the stages of decomposition, the characteristic indicators of each stage, and will introduce a range of techniques for estimation of post-mortem interval (PMI). Delegates will gain an appreciation of the factors that influence decomposition and the considerations and limitations to accurate post-mortem interval estimation.

The course will involve a visit to UCLan’s animal decomposition facility, TRACES, where delegates will have the opportunity to look at real bodies (animal) in different stages of decomposition.

This course is delivered by two forensic anthropologists, with taphonomy and forensic casework experience. Professor Anna Williams is Professor of Forensic Science at UCLan, and Dr Caley Mein, Post-doctoral Researcher in Forensic Taphonomy at UCLan.

Delegates will receive a certificate of attendance. Refreshments will be provided. Delegates should bring clothes suitable for being outdoors and sturdy shoes.

Disclaimer: The presentations may include some graphic images. The animals are pigs that are used for ethically-approved decomposition research and educational purposes. 

Book online here: