Research roundup
13th March 2025
Hopefully you had a break over summer and enjoyed the sunshine. Of course work never stops, so here’s a quick rundown of what you might have missed over the last month or so:
Computer GTD update: All forces now signed-up! | FCN
A good bit of news – a centrally sourced GTD package that will save forces hundreds of thousands compared with producing their own.
SARC Quality Management System launches: links and step-by-step video guide | FCN
If you work on quality management for SARCs, our Michelle Gaskell has produced a simple video guide to using the new QMS.
FCN has helped half of UK police forces prepare for CSI and digital forensic accreditation | FCN
A reminder that more our accreditation team has helped 23 forces prepare for their UKAS assessment. Get in touch if you need a hand getting ready for yours.
UK policing’s first digital forensic apprenticeship created | FCN
A new forensic apprenticeship could help boost recruitment and grow talent in the profession.
Restructure of FCN completed to deliver new forensic science remit | FCN
Some big news – a new structure and leader for FCN as Jo Ashworth bows out after leading FCN from the beginning.
FCN shortlisted for procurement award for RASSO ‘digivan’ project | FCN
The new digivans are starting to appear in forces round the country, so we’re very proud that our commercial experts have been recognised for their part in helping to deliver the project.