Events, conferences, workshops and more. We're always happy to list external events*, so please get in touch if you'd like us to share your event with fellow forensic professionals!
* - FCN is not responsible for external events, please contact the organiser if you have any questions.
Future events
Forensic Smile Analysis: Can selfies be used to identify a person?
Forensic Smile Analysis: Can selfies be used to identify a person, in lieu of standard antemortem odontological data?
Minoritised Life Scientists Future Forum (MLSFF) Conference
The MLSFF is Europe's first conference supporting scientists from marginalised and underrepresented backgrounds. It aims to showcase the vibrancy and vital contributions of these communities to the scientific domain. The conference has received funding support from MRC, UKRI and Wellcome.
Previous events
Forensic Entomology: The Fly Detectives
The Future of Forensic Sciences: Workshop
Webinar - Level 7 Advanced Digital Forensic Professional Apprenticeship
What the change of government means for blue light apprenticeships
2024 Digital Forensics Summit
Forensics Europe Expo (19-20 June)
Recognition of Post-Mortem Changes
PIER24 on online child sexual abuse
SARC Accreditation Support Network- National Policing Webinar
All of our Policing colleagues are invited to attend the FCN SARC Accreditation Support Network Webinar on 2nd May 2024 at 10:00-12:30.
This webinar will provide an overview of the SARC projects the FCN have completed to date with the SARC community, our plans over the next year, followed by an open Q&A for you to ask and raise challenges and issues or just to get more information.
If you would like to attend this webinar please contact
Unlocking Forensic Potential in Rape & Sexual Offence Cases
Digital forensic apprenticeship webinar
Top 5 ways to get your study published
Developing a research idea: what, how, who
CSI wildlife crime webinar
Investigator Wellbeing Week of Action
Forensic science declarations guidance webinar
Future of Forensics Conference
SARC national cleaning validation results
Applications of digital to forensic investigations
With a broad mix of speakers this event will be beneficial to those with an interest in the digital forensic arena.
FCN Digital Forensic Forum
Online booking has now closed. Please contact if you would like to attend or have any questions.
Welcome to the first ever Digital Forensic Forum hosted by the Forensic Capability Network.
Our theme this year is 'committing to quality'. This event brings together the police forensic community to share ideas and good practice on topics ranging from validation and seeking accreditation, to meeting the requirements of new regulatory codes.
How to create effective police-university forensic partnerships
Digital Forensics: Drone workshop February 2023 (date TBC)
** Exact date TBC **
For DFUs (digital forensic units)
The Dstl Digital Crime Scene Group are hosting a workshop in February 2023 at the BattleLab facility in Dorset. A fantastic space to trial, test and develop skills and knowledge specific to drones.
Chemical and Biological Tagging for National Security
This event will bring together industry, academia and government organisations with the aim of identifying existing (e.g. NIR inks or phosphor tags), emerging, or new capabilities in the area of tracking suspects using benign chemical and/or biological markers. The event is sponsored by The National Security Technology and Innovation Exchange (NSTIx) and will be hosted jointly by the Universities of Kent and Northumbria at the University of Kent's Canterbury campus (and also online) on 19th January 2023.
Join us to review the success and impact of drug driving legislation, with an additional and unique insight into how split-second judgement and reaction times for Traffic & Firearms Officers could be improved using novel technology from the world of high-performance sport.
Forensic science regulation – the role of policing in meeting forensic science regulator requirements
Details & sign-up here: Leadership Learning | Forensic science regulation – the role of policing in meeting forensic science regulator requirements (
In this session, Forensic Science Regulator Gary Pugh, NPCC Forensic Lead Chief Constable Nick Dean, and the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) Accreditation Director Lorraine Turner will consider:
– the Forensic Science Regulator Act 2021 and the legal requirements
Leadership in Tomorrow's World - Foundation Future Leaders Conference 2022
The major challenges confronting society do not have simple resolutions. They are multi-faceted and long term, requiring cross-cutting analysis with the ability to work across traditional divides and develop innovative approaches. This conference will look at how these problems, such as climate and biodiversity, can be addressed, as well as examining the skills and structures needed to deliver.
Concepts of likelihood-ratio calculation + Calibration and validation of likelihood-ratio systems
This workshop is aimed at participants who already have some familiarity with the likelihood-ratio framework for evaluation of evidence
Introduction to the likelihood ratio framework for evaluation of forensic evidence
This workshop explains the logic of the likelihood-ratio framework in a way which is accessible to a broad audience and which does not require any prior knowledge of the framework.
Forensic Data Science Laboratory (
Introducing the all new FSIS-II Full Spectrum Imaging System - a revolutionary system for detection of latent fingerprints
The Arrowhead Forensics FSIS-II is a full spectrum imaging system for revealing fingerprints. The system comprises of illumination from UV 254nm to Visible to near Infra Red. This innovative system is capable of locating, capturing and casework managing marks on a variety of substrates in a few seconds including glass, metal, wood, paper, thermal paper and even food items.
SARC forensic consumables seminar
Forensic Wellbeing Festival 16 – 20 May 2022 #FCNWellFest
Digital SFR workshop 29th March
A 'show and tell' event about the Transforming Forensics CSE Automate project
At this event you will:
- Hear an overview of the aims, objectives and benefits of the project
- See demo videos of the technologies we're trialling and hear from participating forces about their experiences so far
- Get updates on next steps for the project and plans for 2022/23
- Have the chance to ask questions
Access will be by invitation only to relevant law enforcement staff
Sign-up here >>>>
Bitesize: Introducing the new Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) document
We’ll be hosting a Bitesize event on Wednesday 15th December at 10:00 to introduce the new Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) document. If you work in digital forensics, this is an opportunity to talk to the authors and find out how to get the most out of the document. THIS IS A POLICE ONLY-EVENT
Marks & Traces Bitesize - part of the niche services work package
Follow up CSI Validation session
National SARC Consumable Validation Event
West Yorks Police workshop: anti-contamination and environmental monitoring (police only)
Validation: guiding principals session (police only)
Accreditation readiness drop-in (police only)
CSI Accreditation Drop-In 8th September
FCN Research Festival (6-10 Sept)
SFR accreditation declaration workshop
Forensic suppliers: showing your social value : WORKSHOP
Fingerprint and Footwear Capability Workshop: A Roadmap Into The Future. 12th July 2-4pm.
CSI Accreditation: Your Path to Success
Fingermark Visualisation: Part One, Collaborative Exercise 1st July
Talking Tox: finding extra efficiencies in Section 5a samples 23rd June
Forensic ecology bitesize event
How to run competitions via the Digital Forensic Services National DPS – webinar 10th June
Digital Forensics Vendor Group - POSTPONED
FCN business strategy virtual event
Fingerprint Ground Truth Database event
FCN Digital Forensics Validation Workshop
Crime Scene Conference 2020
Forensic Marketplace Strategic Plan: Webinar 10th Dec
Webinar: Opinion Evidence in Cell Site Analysis - seminar and Q&A
Keynote presentations by Gillian Tully (Forensic Science Regulator) and Matt Tart (Principal Cell Site Expert at CCL), followed by a question and answer session with a panel of experts (TBC).
The topic/speakers combination promises to generate some lively debate.